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(These are not  in my first set but could be in the next ) 


Inside my head  the words are quiet.

Pitch perfect.

I am programmed this way .

The words echo and vibrate around the room, or so they think.

When actually they're travelling. To the heart .

To make them feel positive. Make them sparkle.

I am not shouting .

I am talking.

Fruit Smoothie


Raw and vulnerable.


Where does this end and me begin?

A concoction of fruit

Loud, vibrant.

Battling for space

Creating ,



Asperger’s/ me?

Or both?

Some of the poems from my Asperger's set that I would like to have published :



Every day of life

Wake up.

Get knocked down.

Pain .

Illness .

What next? Never knowing how am gonna feel.

Never know what symptoms I will have

The constant battle to stay positive

Every day.




In a room full of people you know but alone.

Behind glass. Watching. Waiting .

Noises come out but none are heard. Just a body.

Looking on.

A nothingness.


A small action to him was a big one to her.

Brave. The bravest thing she had done all day.

A smile.



When people put me in a box I am not in.

Trap me.

They corner me. 

Have nowhere to go, to move.

No space to breath.

No clean air.

I am not me.

I don’t know who I am any more.


The girl at the back ( written for the Sisterhood Festival)


The girl who is shy,

the one at the back.

Might be having a struggle or an attack.

She isn’t the way you perceive her to be.

She is undagnoised and has autism like me.

There are many girls who are denied who they are .

Leaving them mentally or physically scarred.


So don’t  judge, or tell someone the person they should be.

Learn what’s within and help them grow.

To find their true selves and start their show.

Some love poems I have written 

Sat on a log .

Rain in the air.

Our hearts and minds entwined .

Bodies attached .

Souls stitched together .


Date 7.


Hot rain

His body odour smelt of love.

Like hot rain he was a relief. A cushion .

A blanket.

His smile cut you like a knife.

Split you in two and filled you with positivity .



We go down to the lowest of low.

Our pieces disperse. We have melted

But then we upsurge .

Glue the fragments back together.

Become one.

God’s creation 


Clouds dot the sky, like an unfinished jigsaw.

Green and orange mix together, 

on water, a reflection 

Food like perfume, drifts on a breeze.

The water makes the boat dance up and down.

Am in awe, at peace.

A slice of life.

An imprint of GOD’s work.

GOD’s creation

Click here to see  a poem of mine on a  charity's  Facebook Page.

Click here to see a poem I wrote for the Menston Area Nature Trust.

Contact me via email :

Click here for my Twitter : @EllaSanderson18

to talk about autism or poetry or if you would like  me to perform at your event/ publish me .

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