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   Energy of the end


Hair cut.

A new start .

But also the end.

As we step outside.

Hugs allowed .

I say no to the crowds .

Pick up your drums ,

and bang out your beat.

Let's leave this Lockdown

and start a new heat



Happy is for birthdays and special days .

OK is for the weekly grind .

The daily slog .

OK is a form of Happiness.

And a good place for me

Not coming

He isn't coming through my screen .

I can't feel him, where has he been.

His words sink then swim to me .

But I can't rescue him you see.

4 more days till the waiting is done .

I will see Patrick and it's like we have won.

Days like this

Where seeing your boyfriend is illegal.

Are you in or out of zone?

Where love  is the only thing left .

To give you fireworks

Keep you breathing

Hold you up, .



Quiet Christmas

Just Christ -mas Not Party mas this year.

But we should still have fun

and don’t forget to cheer.

The spirit in the air .

A prayer said on Zoom.

Lots of people absent ,

not in the room.

But presents opened

and bellies feeling stout.

There is lots to laugh and joke about.

So decorate your houses the season's begun.

Let’s not let the virus be the one that has won.


I will look to the future, but not erase now.

I will love my boyfriend and make him proud.

I will glide along catching the stars.

Hitting each note in all the bars.

 It is the 9th November 2020 ,

and I will not leave this year feeling empty.


The patriotic trombone music and the cheering of many. 

Their voices connect with mine as we share this turbulent time.

Stand up and be proud for english we are.

Getting through the bad is what we do.

A cup of tea will fix it.

The Beatles cry out asking to let me fly . 

The blackbird wants to be freed from the keys . 

Sounds in my head now of stress and despair .

Can still hear the virus and need to be aware.

This is not over the fight is not won.

There is still many songs that need to be sung.


Mental Death

I need hugs,

Long ones

To make memories.

To live life.

Not Lockdown.

Physical death is rising.

But so is mental massacre too.

The cure for this is harder. 

It's much worse than a bug like flu.


Sick of lockdown.

Must keep busy.

Keep going.


Shower, walk.

One step, one more day.

One more moment.

Sun shining pushes me on.

Birds sing .

Keep me alive with their song. 

Lockdown, keep busy keep going .

Endure to the end.

Corona virus.

Plans cancelled .

New ones made.

The only thing left a love that can be saved.

Patrick’s away in body and no touch

But here in heart .


Praying needs to be had.

To trust in the lord to decide what to do.

Lockdown when will this end no one knows.

But one thing is certain , love will grow.

Letters in the post.

Two connected together by ink.

Society collapsed in a blink.

Diaries and stories is all that will tell of the virus that created havuk and hell.

A day in lockdown

Aromatic smells drift through the air .

Coffee .

Made by friends drank outside the house.

No hugs or touch today. 

I think we just about avoided the rain.

Daily walk .

Time with Mum .

Another day in Lockdown.


Lockdown Online Open Mic

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